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5 Tips to Furnishing a Small Space

Posted by Pinoy Eplans on June 7, 2018

Whether you live in a studio apartment or just want to decorate a small room in your home, it’s important to know how to furnish a small space. Small spaces often face the challenge of lacking storage. Space-saving features such as properly-sized custom furniture with built-in storage solutions can be what you need.

Large work tables, coffee tables and beds are versatile, allow you the flexibility to entertain guests in large or small groups. You can re-imagine and furnish your small, dark or cramped room into a sophisticated room with fresh plants, luxury seating, a sleek desk and statement lighting.

Here are five ways to help revamp your small house or room into your dream home:

Top 5 Ways to Decorating Small Spaces or Rooms

1. Use Drapery to Add Height

Drapery can make your small room appear bigger than it is. Mount curtain rods high up as close to the ceiling as possible to hang your drapery.

The height draws eyes upwards, making your windows look larger and thus the room at large. If you can get track-like hardware often mounted on the ceiling, the better. Opt for full-length drapery for your small space.

2. Use Mirrors to Reflect Light

Mirrors can instantly make your small space look larger. Place it in a strategic position to reflect maximum light. Consider fixing it opposite a window to reflect natural light and brighten your home.

Mirrors make small spaces well-lit, leaving them appearing spacious. They can also add visual interest and depth indoors, creating the illusion of your best furnishings appearing in doubles.

3. Opt for Scaled Furniture

Your small space can feel uncomfortable to live in or even smaller than it is if you opt for large furniture. What’s the scale of your room?

Plan well and buy scaled furniture not just to fit in your small space, but also leave enough allowance for easy movement. Measure your room before making a purchase. If possible, go for custom furniture.

4. Invest in Versatile Furniture

Versatile furniture can serve many roles in your small space. Instead of stuffing the already small room with all kinds of furniture, opt for multi-functional solutions.

A console can work as a buffet or bar for entertaining guests and an everyday workspace in your home. Expanding tables and furniture with built-in storage can let you make the most of your small space.

5. Alternate between Primary and Complementary Colors

Most small homes are open and boring, in addition to making it difficult to know the beginning and end of any space. Paint one room such as the living room in a primary color such as blue.

Choose a complementary color of blue to paint in another room such as your bedroom.

It won’t just make your small space appear larger, but also help you differentiate the different areas or rooms while maintaining cohesion.

Whichever way you decide to decorate and furnish your home, opt for colors, styles and furnishings you like. Make your home your own to reflect your style, taste, preferences and class.

Browse our website to order the right furniture for small spaces to furnish your home in style.

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