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Beautiful Modern House Design in Blue Shades

Posted by Pinoy Eplans on April 29, 2021

Grey and cream are the most commonly used colors in residential houses because of their coolness. For the time being, we present a house in blue shades for a beautiful modern house design. Consequently, I hope that this unit would attract the same attention as the other published designs. Since bungalow houses do not follow certain standards, then the owner can select any paint color of their taste. For as long as it pleases you, then you have all the right to pick the best.

Colors play a very important role in the aesthetic appeal of a certain house. Even if it’s a single color, mix of various shades, warm or soft colors it is the overall projection that counts more. Certainly, each layer of color will register a distinct effect on the beauty of the house. In fact, in architecture concepts, the color can either make or break the design. Let us see how a warm color of blue brings the featured house into a pedestal.

Picture of Beautiful Modern House Design with Blue Shades

Description of Beautiful Modern House Design with Blue Shades

Houses in a raised elevation scheme are popular because of their style and character, like this featured house. There is a terrace in front which can serve as an extension of the living room. Indeed, the openness welcomes a well-ventilated space that offers comfort. The terrace looks splendid with grey stone patterned tiles and white steel railings. Moreover, the pillars with accents of grey natural stone on the middle height and installed lamps deliver extra cleverness.

Picture of Beautiful Modern House Design with Blue Shades

The exterior façade looks stunning with the style and application of light and dark blue paints. As can be seen, the wall is painted in a light blue shade with darker blue applied on the bottom, corners, and outlines.

Picture of Beautiful Modern House Design with Blue Shades

All elevations have the walls treated with mineral plaster finish in blue shades delivering a dynamic appeal. Additionally, the exterior façade features enough glass window panels with white casements to ventilate the interior of the house. Meanwhile, the hip roof assembly makes this two-bedroom bungalow excels with style and elegance.

Picture of Beautiful Modern House Design with Blue Shades

On the other hand, the rear elevation has a spacious verandah which serves as a venue for relaxation and family-related activities. It also has pillars painted in blue and white steel railings like the front terrace.

Picture of Beautiful Modern House Design with Blue Shades

A grey tinted sliding door in the verandah serves as a medium in ventilating the inside of the house with plenty of light and air.

Interior Design of Beautiful Modern House Design with Blue Shades

Interior design provides a certain space with a set of aesthetically pleasing solutions for better use of the area. The level of beauty, grace, elegance, and sophistication is defined by how the interior design and concepts work. You can check out the social profiles of Christina Carlile to see more inspiration about this kind of design.

The Living Room

The living room with light brown marble tiles, white painted walls, and geometrically designed ceilings in white shade as well shine outstanding.

The Bedrooms

One of the bedrooms is decorated with grey marble tiles with black wood cornice, while the wall sparkles in a light yellow tone.

On the other hand, the other bedroom looks dynamic with floor tiles in grey wood grain, one wall painted in dark grey, and other walls in white color. It has an access to the verandah through sliding glass doors.

The Kitchen

The L-shaped kitchen countertops have pink marble tiles with black tiles on the perimeter. Meanwhile, the floor is dressed with light brown marble tiles, while the walls are white-painted.

The Bathroom

Lastly, the bathroom looks warm with decorations of non-slip stone patterned floor tiles in a dark grey tone. The walls are covered with white brick patterned tiles.

Overall, this residence delivers a different but unique appeal that will win the hearts of most homeowners.

Credit to: Showbizhgoa



1 thoughts on “Beautiful Modern House Design in Blue Shades

  • Oria Afugason
    on August 16, 2022

    Looking nice.interested in the floor plan

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